OVERWORKED? Underpaid?
Ironworkers in the great lakes region
deserve better!
Company names change, but the story is always the same:
They treat us like just another tool in the belt. When they’re done with us, they’ll find another ironworker to take our place. It will never change unless WE change it!
The days of exploiting and treating workers as expendable are OVER. Workers all over the country are forming unions and winning!
Better wages, better benefits—better futures for themselves and their families.
The bosses don't care
We are tired of breaking our backs for a boss who doesn’t care. The boss could pay more, but they choose not to! We are sick of busting our asses making the company money and not reaping any of the reward.
The benefits are awful
We are fed up with benefits that are unaffordable, or have terrible coverage… if they are offered at all! We shouldn’t have to choose between taking our kids to the doctor and paying the utility bill or buying groceries.
We deserve better
Rent, house prices, gas, groceries- the prices on everything continues to rise, yet our wages remain stuck. We shouldn’t rely on working long hours and weekends just to make ends meet! We do the work- we deserve more!
Ironworkers are forming unions from coast to coast!
From the West Coast to the East Coast and everywhere between, ironworkers are standing up and demanding better!
If you are a ironworker in the non-union sector in the Great Lakes region like the Michigan, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh areas, the Iron Workers Union is here to stand with you in your fight to Organize! You and your co-workers deserve a better life for you and your families. Are you ready to stand up and demand better?
Contact an organizer today!