You can’t scare us, only stregthen us. Regal Ironworkers are #UNIONSTRONG.
Ironworkers at Regal Industrial Midwest have stepped up to win power at work.
We’re done living at the mercy of bosses, sitting around waiting for raises or better benefits.
We’re done with working day in and day out for a company that has launched attacks on workers instead of sitting down to negotiate a contract.
Shoulder to shoulder, Regal Ironworkers are fighting for what they are worth!
REgal InDustrial Midwest Launches Asssault on WorKerS
Since Ironworkers employed at Regal Industrial Midwest filed for union representation on July 8, 2022, the company has racked up at least 26 unfair labor practice charges, including:
Threats to cut workers pay
Isolation and surveillance of union supporters
Subjecting workers to pat downs and drug tests in direct response to union activity